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  • 药碾? 清代,长36cm,宽8.5cm,高11cm,轮径17cm,平口,半圆形腹,成船形,八字形对足。Medicine grinder in Qing Dynasty,36cm in length,8.5cm in width,11cm inheight,17cm in diameter of wheel,flat opening,arch-shaped belly part like aboat,two feet in symmetry.
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 唾盂? 民国,高16cm,底径14cm,口径21cm。色泽滢润,器形规整,人物生动,是精致的卫生用具。Spittoon in the Republic of China,16cm in height,14cm in bottom diameter,moistening color and luster and vivid characters with a modelling in order,adelicate sanitary appliance.
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药缸? 清代,高11.5cm,口径10.5cm,底径6.8cm,平底,腹内收,杯形盖,盖与身有子母口相合。Medicine vat in Qing Dynasty,11.5cm in height,10.5cm in caliber,6.8 in bottom diameter,flat bottom withinner-towards contraction in belly,cup-shaped cover,good fit between the cover and ...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药缸? 清代,方形,高12cm,宽9cm,口径4.5cm,器形成正方形,上有圆井形口,口上纽扣形盖。Medicine vat in Qing Dynasty,square shape,12cm in height,9cm in width,4.5cm in caliber,an opening in round-well shape,a button-shaped cover.
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-10
  • 虎子? 清代,方形,高14.5cm,底长19cm,底宽12.5cm,口方,通体遍饰青花枝叶花卉纹和卷云纹,板桥形提梁。Piss pot in Qing Dynasty,square shape,14.5cm in height,19cm in bottom length,12.5cm in bottom width,square opening,decoration with tree branches,leaves,and cloud pictur...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-10
  • 唾孟? 清代,高35cm,口径22cm,敞口,彭腹,圈足。器身饰青花枝叶纹,釉色清亮,造型规整。Spittoon in Qing Dynasty,35cm in height,22cm in caliber,broad opening,protruding in belly,round foot,decoration of blue and white flower and treebranch in the utensil,bright glazing col...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-10
  • 皂盒? 民国,长11.8cm,宽8.8cm,高9.4cm。长方形,四角为弧形,饰彩花纹,盖上堆塑五彩水果纹和“喜喜”字纹。Soap box in the Republic of China,11.8cm in length,8.8cm in width,9.4cm in height,rectangle shape,arc in four angle,decoration with colorful flower picture,decoration ...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-07
  • 瓷器是泥与火的精灵,是中华民族对世界文明的伟大贡献,其外表光滑、制作精美、赏心悦目,珍贵而易碎,凝聚着中医药文化的深厚底蕴。Porcelain is a spirit of mud and fire. It is a great contribution to the world civilizationby Chinese nation. They have smooth surface, elegant modeling,...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-07
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