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  • 唾盂? 民国,锡质,高8.8cm,口径6cm,底径3.7cm,六边瓜棱形,圈足上下均刻有纹饰图案,下部为花卉纹,上部饰有“花笑蝴蝶富贵铭文。Tin Spittoon in the Republic of China,8.8cm in height,6cm in caliber,3.7cm in bottom diameter,prismatic shape with six sides,carving pattem of flo...
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-17
  • 杵? 清代,石质,长13厘米,径3.5厘米,表面已经十分光滑。Stone pestle in Qing Dynasty,13cm in length,3.5cm in diameter,smooth in surface.
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-17
  • 药鼓? 民国,铜,长15cm,径4.5cm,为吹药用具。Copper medicine drum in the Republic of China,15cm in length,4.5cm in diameter,tool for blowing medicine.
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 药匙? 民国,铜,长15cm,匙柄为圆弧形,匙心为葵瓣纹。Copper medicine spoon in the Republic of China,circular arc-shaped handle and sun flower-shaped spoon.
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 温灸器? 民国,铜,长23cm。Tool of moxibustion in the Republic of China.
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 药杵臼? 汉代,铁质,高9.5cm,直口束颈,腹微鼓,中部有两根凸旋纹,环绕一周,其上有两个铺首纹饼形足。器物造形端庄,线条简捷流畅,色泽沉稳。Medicine mortar in Han Dynasty,9.5cm in height,straight opening and contracted neck,slightly protruding in belly part,two spiral striati...
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 刮痧器? 民国,玉质,长12cm,宽5cm,器物成钺形,一端有小圆孔,为穿绳系带之用,器物一面有“杏林春暖”四字铭文。Jade tool of scraping patient in the Republic of China,12cm in length,5cm in width,axe shape,a small and round whole in one.end for stringing.Chinese characters of...
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 牙刷柄? 唐代,骨质,长17.8cm,头部宽1.1cm,孔径0.3cm,成都指挥街唐代遗址出土,为目前所知全国最早的牙刷实物资料。Stone handle of toothbrush in Tang Dynasty,17.8 in length,1.1cm in width of head part,0.3cmin diameter of whole,unearthed in relics of Tang Dynasty in Zhi Hui S...
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 脉枕? 民国,皮,长11cm,宽7cm,高7.5cm,皮上髹红漆。Leather Pulse-taking pillow in the Republic of China,11cm in length,7cm in width,7.5cm in height,red-colored painting.
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-16
  • 药杵臼? 清代,铁质,高20.7cm,口径16.3cm,底径16.8cm。鼓腹,圈足形底,肩部及下腹部饰旋纹,腹中部有“光绪二十一年三月十五日”铭及花草纹饰。Medicine Mortar of iron in Qing Dynasty,20.7cm in height,16.3cm in caliber,16.8cm in boutom diameter,protruding in belly part,round f...
    [杂器] 发表时间:2022-05-13
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